Monday, 15 August 2011

From the perspective of the hotel pool side at San Antonio

...although there is a mr Holt disturbing the view, I still have to confess that things flow nicely over here too. (and this is only to test whether posting is possible for someone like me)

Saturday, 13 August 2011

just been doing the process workshop in the states ... the questions of how to conduct our process research remain vexed .. this is something we might really investigate for the next year's stream

a rough argot of techniques?

1. following things ... we move from investigating what is the case outside of time, to 'the how' of how events arise over time (traditional process work), to concern for what things do, their potential ... recognising how things satabilize into spatial settings of rest that can be intellectualised through observation and measurement is not all there is, that things also demur from rest, engrafted with indeterminancy in process of differentiation and division ... following the life of things ... a bit like the DM boots, morphing in use and meaning without regulation, inexhaustible, until suffering the blandishments of strategic impress, where they are forced to spatialise, loosing their redundancy

2. telling stories from different aspects, under the aegis of different conceptual schemas ... splintered tales the meaning of which arises from the relations between them rather than within them. Like Altman's film 12 shorts maybe

will be thinking of more

Friday, 12 August 2011

Interesting methods conference in April....

.... organized by Ann Cunliffe. The conference theme is Embodiment, Imagination, and Meaning. April 4-6 in New Mexico. Conference call;

PS. Mike, I love this initiative. Best,
